Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Water Flow

Long time ago there were no pollution whereas nowadays there are a lot of pollution. Most people who work in factories throw their waste inside rivers. One of the most important researches said that 3.575 million people per year die because of water diseases. The human body is 70% water so we need it a lot. But some countries can’t give clean water to the people. The 10 liters of water costs 2 US dollar per a day. Suez is daming the Ganges River to sell water back to Indian citizens at 10 times the price it had been. There are 7600 community – built water harvesting projects in India. The Hazards Centre and the People's Science Institute tested nine water samples within a one kilometer radius of the Coca-Cola bottling plant in the south Indian state of Kerala and concluded that "the total natural water resources surrounding the Coca-Cola plant in Plachimada are contaminated." All the water samples, collected from open wells, hand pumps and borewells in the area, failed to meet the safety standards for drinking water prescribed by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) - ensuring that the groundwater was no longer suitable for human consumption. All the samples showed excessive levels of chromium, eight samples showed excessive levels of cadmium and six samples showed excessive levels of lead. The water samples were collected in November 2005. In addition to the risks posed to the community by the presence of heavy metals in the water, the report also cautioned that cadmium and lead can enter the body easily through the food chain. The report also noted that the community did not experience water quality problems prior to the establishment of the Coca-Cola bottling plant, and that the deep aquifer systems have now been contaminated. The report also notes that agricultural production has been negatively affected in the area. The report is the latest in a series of studies that have confirmed pollution by the Coca-Cola company. The Kerala State Pollution Control Board (KSPCB) had also found high levels of lead and cadmium in the sludge from Coca-Cola's plant, and ordered the plant to "stop production of all kinds of products with immediate effect" on August 19, 2005. The Coca-Cola bottling plant in Plachimada has remained shut down since March 2004, and the Coca-Cola company has challenged the closure in the courts. In spite of the growing body of evidence, the Coca-Cola company continues to maintain that there is no pollution by their plants. The Coca-Cola company was also distributing its sludge to farmers in the area as fertilizer. Tests conducted in 2003 by the Central Pollution Control Board of India, as well as the British Broadcasting Corporation, confirmed that the sludge contained high levels of cadmium and lead, effectively making it toxic waste. Coca-Cola was forced to stop the distribution of the sludge by government authorities, and ordered to treat the waste as hazardous waste. "The state must permanently shut down the Coca-Cola plant in Plachimada. The company has destroyed the natural resources in the area through negligence, and we will continue to demand that Coca-Cola be held responsible for the damages, including criminal and financial liability," said R. Ajayan of the Plachimada Solidarity Committee, an alliance of groups in the state of Kerala working actively to challenge the Coca-Cola company.

Monday, November 23, 2009

My report

The technological advances achieved in the past few decades have brought about a revolution in the business world, affecting nearly all aspects of working life. People can reach others throughout the world in a matter of seconds, with cost being increasingly irrelevant. In now a day technology is play an important part in our live because it is easier and helpful for us in a lot of business. In America it is big number of people how use a technology in now days. This essay will describe the main causes and the main effects of technology and how technology effect in economy. (http://www.oppapers.com)

There are a number of reasons why people use technology .firstly, technology is saving time. Secondly, technology is make life easier. For example , computers do many function like, send massages faster , research for everything we want and it have good and big memory it can saving a lot of thing inside it . Finally, technology develops their countries. However, when the people know how to use it in the right why and if they tip-top in it the country can be the top between all countries. So you technology is an important thing for the countries. That’s mean you can sell a lot of new machines. That’s how it effect in economy whereas in the past it was hard to finish our job quickly. And in the past the work was not perfect but nowadays with technology it’s perfect. (http://www.allbusiness.com)

1- On the other hand, there are a number of effects when the people use a technology. Firstly, no promotion. For instance, managers don’t know which employee do the pest in the office because most work done from computers so all the work can be the pest without except anyone. Secondly, spend a lot 6of time with our families. Finally, easier communication. However, phone is one of the communications. It is making our live easier than before and we can contact with any one in any country in the entire world. (http://www.hyoomik.com)

In conclusion, this essay has discussed some of the causes and effects of technology. The causes are save time, easier life and develop the country. On the other hand, the effects are no promotion; spend with family and easer communication. In my opinion, I agree with the technology because its make all the world ongoing.

447 words

2- http://www.oppapers.com
3- http://www.allbusiness.com
4- http://www.hyoomik.com

Friday, November 13, 2009

Foundation Rwanda:


I can summarize this text, saying that the photographer Jonathan Torogovnik went to Rwanda to help the children and their families . Science 2006 he started to raise the money for the children in the secondary school whose mothers were raped during the Rwandan genocide in 1994. Until now the organization has raised almost $500,000 and supported 150 families. Torgovnik , along with the Foundation Rwanda co-founder, Jules Shell travelled to Rwanda again in the summer to visit the families who benefit from the foundation's work. Torogovnik was amazed to see how their lives changed to a good life after it was a bad and scary life. The author said that the project changed his life in many ways , and it gave him power and it gives a power to take action .

Word : 140 words .

• Magazine : African Stories .
• Article title : Rwanda Life .
• Date : Sep 2009 .
• Author : Daryl Lang .
• Pages : 37 .

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Bugatti and Porsche 911 Turbo

Bugatti and Porsche 911 Turbo

This invention change the world because nowadays we can move from place to place in a short time. In this essay I’m going to talk about the similarities and the differences between the Bugatti and the Porsche.
About the Bugatti Veyron 14.6 and the Porsche 911 Turbo to be specific.
I’m going to talk about the similarities. There aren't many because every company wants to be different from the others. The first similarity is that they are both German companies. The last similarity is that both of them are at least a hundred years old. Although, there are similarities between the Bugatti and the Porsche 911 Turbo there are also differences. The first difference is that the Bugatti top speed is much faster than the Porsche 911 Turbo. This means the top speed of the Bugatti can reach 253 mph while the Porshe 911 Turbo can only reach 192 mph. Another difference is that the Bugatti's horse power is much more powerful as opposed to the Porsche 911 Turbo which is the weaker. The Bugatti's horse power is 1001 hp while the Porsche 911 Turbo is only 180 hp. The final difference is that the Bugatti’s weight is more than the Porche 911 turbo. The weight of the Bugatti is 5000 b but the Porche 911 turbo is weighted 3650 to 370 ib.
In my opinion , the Bugatti is the best because it is the faster and easier to drive it. In addition the Bugatti car has higher features of horse power, weight and top speed.

Monday, October 19, 2009


1.what is plagiarism?
Ans: copying or using someone elseĜ³ idea.
2. What must you do avoid plagiarizing?
Ans: take careful and accurate notes as you research.
3.What style of referencing is accepted at HCT?
• Ans: MLA (Model Language Association)
• APA (American Psychological Association)
4. What are the five types of information that are often in cluded when referencing from various sources?
• Author’s name.
• Title of book article.
• Date.
• Page.
• Publisher/ Magazine/ Website.
5. When creating a refrence for a book what comes first?
Ans: The author’s name.
6. What is the second item of information in a magazine reference?
Ans: The article title.
7. What is the last item of information in a magazine reference?
Ans: The page number.
8. What is the third item of information when referencing a website?
Ans: The title of the website.
9. What is last item of information when referencing a website?
Ans: The date visited.
11. What comes before the URL in a database reference?
Ans: http://
12. Where is the bibliography?
Ans: At the end.
13. What is in the bibliography?
Ans: References.
14. When giving the author’s name which part of the name do you put first?
Ans: Surname/family name; Butterfield, Hedley.
15. How do you order items in the bibliography?
Ans: Alphabetical.
16. Besides, quotations, where do you use an inline citation?
Ans: Paraphrasing.
17. What information goes in an online citation?
Ans: Name and date.
18. Name one citation machine that can help you?
Ans: Easybib.com.
19. Besides your teacher, who can help you with referencing?
Ans: Easybib.com
20. In Google type, ‘HCT plagiarism.’ Find the page which describes the consequences of plagiarism at HCT. State what this consequence is.
Ans: You get out of the college.

Gun control:
1. Gun control.
World of Health. Online ed. Detroit: Gale Group, 2007.
2. Gun Control (1990s). Lisa S. McLeod.
American Decades 1990-1999. Ed. McConnell. Detroit: Gale Group, 2001.
3. Disputed Rights.
Civil Rights in America. American Journey Online. Woodbridge, CT.: Primary Source Microfilm, 1999.
4. Sarah and James S. Brady.
Newsmakers. Ed. Louise Mooney. Detroit: Gale Research, 1991.
5. Foss, Joe (1915-2003).
Newsmakers. Ed. Louise Mooney. Detroit: Gale Research, 1990.
6. Jury Holds Gun Manufacturers Liable for Shooting Deaths from Illegally Obtained Handguns, February 11, 1999.
Historic U.S. Events. Detroit: Gale, 2004.
7. Brady, Sarah (1942-).
UXL Biographies. Online ed. Detroit: UXL, 2003.
8. Brady, Jim (1940-).
UXL Biographies. Online ed. Detroit: UXL, 2003.
9. McCarthy, Carolyn (1944-).
Newsmakers. Ed. Terrie M. Rooney. Detroit: Gale Research, 1998.
10. Foley, Thomas Stephen (1929-).
DISCovering U.S. History. Online ed. Detroit: Gale, 2003.
11. Heston, Charlton (1923-2008).
Newsmakers. Ed. Laura S. Hightower and Terrie M. Rooney. Detroit: Gale Group, 1999.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Natural paradise gets protection


Wadi Wurayah is a protected area. There are more than 100 species of birds and other animals. It was the first protected mountain area established in Fujairah. There are more than 300 species of plants. The residential projects are fast changing the landscape in the emirate. It is recommended as a must see in UAE off road and tourist guides. The Wadi is also home to a type of freshwater fish, the garra barreimiae, which lives only in the Hajar Mountains. Dibba Rock is a marine protected area also in the Emirates, which attracts hundreds of divers and snorkelers.

Main Idea:
We must give save for some kinds of animal, because if we don’t we will miss thise animals.

I think it is an important essay, because the protected areas help us to make a balance of life.

Monday, September 28, 2009


This article is about dyslexia. Dyslexia means problems processing specific visual information. It’s a problem caused by eye wobble. Some children have this problem in reading and writing. New technology has produced special spectacles. Some of them said that “all the words on the page move “. The researchers have no idea about the problem. Hi – tech glasses might solve this problem along with special exercises. It’s about 800 children a year who have this problem from all over the country. It’s hoped this might improve reading skills and solve the problem of dyslexia.