Sunday, February 28, 2010


1) Meeting report:

The goal of this meeting is to discuss and to find out how to improve the students’ success. First how to put each student in the level that they deserve. Also another thing is what we can do to maximize their chances for success. How can we handle their responses professionally if they are not successful? The last thing that we can discuss is to see the problems and disadvantages of the students and how to solve them.

2) Minutes of meeting:

(a) Date: 24.02.2010

(b) Venue: (place): F52

(c) Time: 11:55 am

(d) Names of participants:
* Mohammed (H00132635) chairman
* Fahed (H00130970) secretary
*Almunther (H00128002) participant

(e) Agenda:

1. Discuss how students succeed in their studying.
2. Discuss how to put each student in the level that they deserve.
3. Talking about the problems and we some suggested some solutions.

Start: Mohammed opened the meeting at 12:00 pm.

(f) What was said:

* Mohammed said that they must put students in the level that they deserve by a test to determine their level and I agreed with him.
* Fahed said that we can handle their problems professionally if they are not successful by providing psychological comfort in education and by giving them many ways to develop themselves in the study and I agreed with him.
* I said that we can maximize their chances for success like giving them more classes and practice to raise their grades and the entire group agreed.

Finish: Mohammed finally asked if there was A.O.B and then he closed the meeting at 1:30 pm.

3) Reflection:

Mohammed was a good chairman because he controlled the meeting very well. Fahed was a great secretary because he organized the notes in an easy way. We tried to help the students but we can’t do that if the students don’t help themselves. I learn many things from the meeting. First I learned how to make minutes. Second I learned how to write a good report for the meeting.

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